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Missional Collective About Page Images (1).png

who we are

Missional Collective is a growing collective of individuals who are cultivating lives of experiential neighboring, made possible through the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.

The Need of the Church

Every church has felt the pressure, sometimes described as "the call," to fix and save the communities they serve. Where fixing and saving is the central drive for ministry, the church is at risk for making programmatic decisions that either dominate or disengage the communities within which we are called to connect. The expansion of the missional imagination within the local church requires intentional learning and activation of empowerment principles and practices.




Cultivating a Life of Experiential Neighboring

The Neighbor Way beautifully integrates five key elements: looking, listening, discerning, learning, and bridging. Together these practices allow the church to connect the dots between power, poverty, and privilege so that the unfolding of the Missio Dei can be celebrated throughout our local communities.

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curated by

Collective Renewal Resource

Collective Renewal Resource works to sustain creativity and compassion among ministry professionals, through the development of creative resources and experiences.

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